Seder Opening number

Seder Opening number
Matty, Nancy and Jake

Monday, September 6, 2010

September 6, Ten o'clock

Hi all,

I, of course, have not told people about this blog as I have been a little busy. But I will write a new episode as I will let you all know about this and if you are in fact already reading my nonsense, I want to give you more fodder for contemplation!

This past week, rehearsals for FIDDLER ON THE ROOF began in New York City. It is a very exciting show, with lots of wonderful dancing and singing as well as a dynamite story! As I told you in the first installment, I will be playing the role of "Golde" on the National Tour. Anyway, I still had 8 shows to do at the Mac Haydn: SHOWBOAT, my role, "Parthy'. I had to drive three hours each way to get to and from rehearsals and to and from the shows!! It was an experience. Fatigue sets in very quickly. But as my director up at the Mac Haydn told me, "You are a working actor, get on that stage!!". It worked. I woke up and actually had a wonderful show. All the intense work I am doing with FIDDLER helped me get more focused so that I could bring more to my role as "Parthy"! I had such a good time applying things I had learned in rehearsals in FIDDLER to a role that I had already performed 16 times. "Golde" is still so new for me, I am just getting off book. (For the non actors who might read this, Off Book, means one has learned their lines and can now concentrate on the blocking and emotional life of the character.)

As of Sunday night, SHOWBOAT has closed. It was wonderful fun. I worked with terrific people. The director was also in the show and whenever we were onstage together, I was in heaven!! In fact in one of the last performances I  found new emotional depth for one of the dramatic moments and was able to reach new depths of feeling onstage. It was glorious. I was thrilled that we had such a hit show.

Now, to the point I wanted to make with this installment:
Rehearsing while living at home vs. rehearsing at a theatre out of town. I have never really thought about logistics when one is rehearsing a show in New York versus being out of town and only having to concentrate on the work. Although I love being at home and sleeping in my own bed at night, it takes much more concentration and discipline to live in your own home and get to rehearsals on time, study what needs to be done, do laundry, interact with family members, cook dinner, clean the house, run errands and somehow have "Life" interfere with one's concentration. When one is on the road, the rehearsal process is everything. One still needs to eat and do laundry, but there are no other distractions. Also, cast housing is usually accessible to the theatre, not an hour away! Now last week was an exception to this formula as I still had 8 shows from another contract. We still have two weeks left in New York before we take off for Chattanooga. The director hopes to have the entire show staged by this Friday. We all work very hard from 10 am to 6 pm, getting the show on its feet. Of course, I must head home, cook dinner, clean the kitchen and then get to work studying and reviewing blocking, songs and dialogue from the day's work as well as look ahead to be learning the next scene/song/dance!! "Golde" is in several scenes, lots of dialogue and lots of dancing! In fact, I have to go learn the song Anatevka now.

Thanks for listening. Have a good night. More later.....

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