Seder Opening number

Seder Opening number
Matty, Nancy and Jake

Friday, November 26, 2010

Blog Installment B for November 26, 2010

Just a little side note to let you in one some of the antics that occur before a show. I don't know if I have mentioned the laundry situation and wardrobe etiquette. We have a wonderful Wardrobe Master, Jay and his fabulous Wig Lady, Sonia. I have five costumes with four different outer layers for different scenes in Act 1 and 2 as well as two head scarves and a 'shaital' or wig for Sabbath and the Wedding scenes. All of the married women in the show have wigs for Sabbath and the Wedding and all the females have to cover their heads as we are portraying religious Jewish Women from 1905. The men all have beards or wigs and beards to put on as well as lots of different types of hats and head coverings as well. Since we are a small company, we have men who double as Russians and Jews so they are constantly changing costumes during the show and adding beards and taking them off...We have all of the costumes in gondolas behind the stage in the crossover so that we can all be changing quickly. For the dream scene, I have to wear socks over my stockings, a night cap and a nightgown. Well of course, the socks go in my laundry bag, which has my mike belt, my bra, underwear and stockings- all get washed each night. There are three sets as this allows for rotation and time to do the laundry! Early on, my socks were always ending up in one of the other cast members' laundry bag. Last night my bra was missing. Jay and I talked about it and thought it might have been left in Huntsville. I told him, "it also might show up in some one else's bag like my socks!!". We laughed, he gave me another one and I went off to change. Lo and Behold, here comes Andrea, "I think this belongs to you..." She had my bra in her laundry bag. I of course went back to Jay and he laughed. I go back to my dressing room, look in my laundry bag and lo and behold....NO SOCKS!. I of course go running back to Jay, laughing...."No socks!" He laughs as well and gives me one of the extra sets for the boys. OY, what a fun time getting dressed. Who knew......Life on the road, living the dream. One doesn't realize how hard all of the crew works to make sure we have everything we need to make this show happen and appear seamless. Thanks Jay and Sonia and all of our crew and dressers who work so very hard behind the scenes making this show a reality!!

I am really off now...More later....

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